1. What types of bags do you sell?
We offer a wide selection of premium quality replica bags in various styles, such as totes, handbags, shoulder bags, and more. All of our products are crafted with attention to detail to closely match the original designs.
2. Are your products authentic?
No, the bags we sell are high-quality replicas. They are designed to look like the originals but are not branded products.
3. How do I place an order?
To place an order, browse through our collection and select the bag you wish to purchase. Add it to your cart, and proceed to checkout by following the prompts.
4. What payment methods do you accept?
We accept various payment methods including credit/debit cards and PayPal for your convenience. We ensure secure transactions with our encrypted payment system.
5. Can I track my order?
Yes, once your order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use this number to track the status of your shipment on our website or the courier’s website.
6. Do you offer international shipping?
Yes, we ship worldwide. Shipping costs and times will vary depending on your location. You will see the shipping options available during checkout.
7. How long does shipping take?
Delivery times depend on your location and the shipping method chosen at checkout. Generally, international orders take between 7-15 business days.
8. What is your return policy?
We accept returns within 14 days of delivery if the product is in its original, unused condition. Please contact our support team at support@replicahermesbag.com for return instructions.
9. Can I cancel or modify my order after placing it?
If you need to cancel or change your order, please contact us as soon as possible at support@replicahermesbag.com. Orders can only be modified or canceled before they are shipped.
10. How do I contact customer service?
For any questions or concerns, you can reach our customer support team at support@replicahermesbag.com. We will respond to your inquiry within 24-48 hours.